Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Terrifying teacher.

I dread the day before a break at school.  The students' minds are not in the classroom.  Their focus is on making plans over the long week.  Their attention is on how much sleep they will be able to catch up on over the next few days.  What I have to say, how much knowledge I am attempting to provide to them is of very little importance in comparison to their social agendas.

However, in the course of this beautiful Wednesday, a past student paid me a visit.  He is currently a senior who I had in English 11 last year.  After a few minutes of small talk, the conversation took a turn.  He told me, "It's crazy to think about how terrified I was of you last year, and now, this year, I actually choose to come into your room just to talk to you."

Yes, he used the word "terrified" which made me laugh.

This conversation brought me to think about the way relationships develop, change and grow.  I appreciate not just the relationships I'm able to have with my students once they are no longer my students, but I like to think about this idea in terms of friends, loves and family as well.

I consider how much my relationship with my mom has changed.  She is now my friend, when she used to strictly be my parent.

The relationship I have with my sisters has become closer and closer over the years, despite the growing distance.

My relationship with Kyle has bloomed in many surprising ways as well.

These changes are welcome and I believe they are indicative of the growth of each individual involved.  The more we learn about one another, the more our relationships are going to be impacted.

Thank you, dear student, for your genuine observation.  I'm happy I no longer terrify you, but glad I did while you were a student in my classroom.

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