Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkins and football.

At the beginning of each season, in an attempt to avoid the pain of focusing on what is passing, I like to look ahead and consider what I most look forward to in the coming season.  Obviously we are saying good-bye to summer, and hello to fall.

I have to admit, I love fall.  The only thing I don't like about it is its transience.  It goes as abruptly as it comes and we are left with fallen leaves, bare trees and the whispers of winter.

While winter might be right around the corner, the beauty of fall is lingering and thus I still find it appropriate to foster the love I have for the season by praising the things I appreciate most.

1.  The colors.  It comes as no surprise that the Indiana landscape becomes an entirely new world in the fall.  The trees show their true colors as the cool breeze breathes life into their branches.  Poets and writers may use autumn to illustrate death, but the blushes and vibrant colors make it difficult to see anything suggesting a lack of life.

2.  The weather.  While I am a lover of heat and sunshine, there is nothing better than a wardrobe that consists of jeans, casual tees and cardigans.  A colorful pashmina is never a bad accessory either.  I prefer not to sweat through my clothes.  I prefer instead to rely on a hot coffee to offer me the perfect amount of warmth that a jacket is not yet required to provide.

3.  Football.  I may jokingly complain about having to watch football Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday, but the truth is, I secretly like it.  I enjoy Friday nights, under the lights, most.  There is just something about cuddling up under blankets, drinking hot chocolate, and cheering on your team.  I don't imagine it will ever get old.  It's a plus that I get to see my husband out there, doing what he loves, as well!

4.  The holidays.  Fall births holiday season.  Halloween, although not my favorite holiday, brings people out of their homes to hang decorations and greet passing trick-or-treaters.  I appreciate the neighborly charm that Halloween brings to the suburbs.  Then comes Thanksgiving, a holiday that celebrates the best things in life.  While we should always consider our blessings and be grateful for those bestowed upon us, it is too easy to forget.  I love Thanksgiving for the simple fact that there is a day devoted to forcing us to remember our blessings.  The food provides a deep comfort that cannot be forgotten either!

Welcome Fall.  Make yourself comfortable and stick around for a while.


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