Thursday, March 27, 2014

40 Week Journey: Part II

As my belly grew, and the evidence was clear, we were indeed going to have a baby, changes to the house started to take place as well.

The nursery was, despite some disagreement about the paint color, what we were both itching to get started.  The room had previously been occupied by children and was shall we say "broken in".  While it was extremely frustrating for Kyle because of the amount of additional work it created, I took some comfort in knowing that the room we chose for our son was full of memories of happy children.  I will always love that.

So, the dad-to-be went to work.

After weeks upon weeks of repairing, sanding, painting, trimming, and completing finishing touches, the room came together and we started to see our home transform into one ready for its third member.

The next thing we (okay, Kyle) got to do was build the nursery furniture.  I read the directions and Kyle completed the tasks.

Just two days later, we had a home for our little one.

With the nursery complete, I went into full nesting mode.  While I was not quite ready to admit it, Kyle caught on pretty quickly when I was doing baby laundry, organizing closets, clearing out old clothes, etc.  I was relentless.  I wanted, no I NEEDED, to be ready.  I had heard of plenty of people having their children weeks early and I did NOT want to be the one ill prepared for the arrival of our baby.  Kyle just laughed at me, but I was determined.

And here we sit, three days past our due date.  The nesting, however, never really ended.  I have continued cleaning, doing laundry, organizing baby stuff, etc. every day.  The moment I think I am done, I think of something else.  Things that would have normally irritated me (vacuuming, dusting, etc.) I have been much more willing to do knowing that I am creating a better environment for my little one, and also an environment that will require less work when I am sleep deprived and covered in spit up.

Amongst the nesting, I was also determined to finish out my time at school to the best of my ability.  Despite a couple of scares, including a minor car accident and a trip to the emergency room, the last month of school went smoothly.  My water did not break in front of a classroom full of teenagers, so I considered it a success.

That brings us to today, three days past our due date, and Thursday of spring break.  I did ask him to give me a few days of spring break to relax without having to worry about school and work, and also give me a little bit more time to get the house ready for him.  He apparently did not want to disappoint his mom.  What a sweetheart he is already!

We are ready now, or at least as ready as two first time parents could possibly be.  The suspense has allowed our nerves to slowly dwindle and be replaced by joy and excitement.

Anytime you're ready little one, we're here waiting.

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