Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Back to school.

Back to school.  The common phrase that we spend a great portion of our lives dreading, only to wish and hope our breaks could last just one more day, week, etc.

This time it was different.

But how?  Why?

I think it boils down to a few of things.

1.  I had a great break!

I got to spend time with my family, my whole family.  It provided me with true relief from the hectic and somewhat burdensome teacher life.  I got to see my sisters and spend my weekend relishing the wonderful bonds I share with each and every one of the members of the Olson clan.  Not only that, but I felt such a sense of pride being Karley's sister.  Karley, who was in charge of putting together a HUGE fundraiser that turned out VERY successful, despite the rigid temperatures.  Way to go cutie pie!

After the race on Sunday, we made it back to Indianapolis just in time to avoid the weather that rolled in with a vengeance.  Mom and I were snowed in on Monday, which provided some wonderful catch-up time for the two of us.

Luckily, the snow cleared early enough so that I could meet up with the Wilson family for a homemade dinner.  I had run into Leah and Nick randomly a few weeks earlier, and was so happy the chance to see them presented itself before I had to head back home.  Maybe it was the delicious chili or the yummy wine, perhaps it was the easy conversation or maybe it was their adorable little one, but I caught myself feeling truly blessed in their sweet Broadripple home.  I feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

After a great first, long weekend of break, I got to come home to Kyle.

We spent the week together (apart from the time he was hard at work for the baseball season).  Dinners out and date nights, including a fun sushi night, where I introduced Kyle to some really delicious dining!  He now has cravings for sushi quite frequently.  Needless to say, I think he liked it!

For those of you that live in the area, we went to Woow in Orland Park.  Really yummy!

2.  I absolutely LOVE the literature I get to teach for the rest of the year!

Juniors get The Great Gatsby, which I selfishly spend plenty of time on with the kids because it is my all time favorite book.

The best part?  I handed out books before break so students could read if they wanted to during the time off.  So many of them came back today truly excited about the book, having read several chapters and eager to discuss what they've read.  This was a VERY welcome surprise that has even made me more excited, which I did not think was possible.

Sophomores get Elie Wiesel's Night.  Mr. Wiesel is a survivor of the Holocaust who wrote a beautiful account of his experience during this horrific event.  Although the subject matter is not light, we get to have some wonderful discussions throughout the course of this one.  I just love it!

3.  Summer is around the corner!

Despite the fact that I've got such a wonderful group of students this year, the thought of a summer not bombarded with coaching and planning a wedding is so sweet I can hardly wait to truly enjoy the time away.  The idea of doing things with Kyle, traveling, spending time with family and those precious people that add so much to our lives, makes it almost impossible not to wish the days away.

Let's just hope the weather doesn't deny us warmth and sweet, sweet sunshine forever :)