Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello, 2013!

I realize that I am a little late in ringing in the new year, but for me it has been a little difficult to let go of 2012.  It was a wonderful year, full of many blessings and memories.  Kyle and I hit a few milestones in our lives together over the past year that make me sad to see the year end.  Don't get me wrong, I have faith that 2013 will be another great year, it just has a lot to live up to after the year we've had.

Looking forward, I do have many hopes for this new year.  I have learned over the course of my life, however, that it is one thing to hope and it is an entirely other thing to actually do.  If 2013 is the year I hope it will be, I am going to have to put forth a certain amount of effort, instead of waiting around for things to happen.

This all begins with, you guessed it, the resolutions.

Normally I find resolutions to be a personal thing, something I wouldn't post publicly.  However, I am hoping that the concrete words written in front of me, for everyone to see, will add some accountability into the equation.  In the end I do trust myself to follow through, but it never hurts to be a little more motivated.

Resolution #1:  Pray

Growing up Catholic, God has always been a part of my life.  However, I think that especially over the course of the past few years, my faith has grown exponentially.

After graduating and getting a job in Northwest Indiana, away from my family, church became an avenue by which I could not just communicate my frustrations and loneliness with God, but also listen to his lessons and feel comforted.  It brought something familiar back into my life.

Then, my youngest sister, Karley asked me to be her confirmation sponsor.  I was beyond touched and readily accepted.  I learned more about our faith and our relationship grew in a new way, proving, once again, the power of God.

My faith then grew in a new way through the process Kyle and I had to go through to be married in the Catholic church.  It forced to me to evaluate my relationship with God, and more importantly, his place within our marriage.  This was yet another reminder of how important faith and love can be.

I love that my faith constantly challenges me to be a better person, a better friend, a better teacher, a better wife, a better sister, a better daughter and a better woman.  I hope that by making my faith a priority this year that I will continue to better myself and my relationships.

Resolution #2:  Be positive

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

It is easy to be negative.  It is easy to find all the wrong.  It is easy to assume the worst.

This year I won't, or at least, I will try my hardest not to fall into the trap of pessimism.  Wish me luck.

Resolution #3:  Prioritize

This, I believe, will be one of my harder resolutions.  I'm hoping that I'm wrong, but I always find myself worrying about silly things, stressing over details that don't matter, and neglecting the most important parts of my life because of whatever item on my list I am trying to cross off.

I will try, to the best of my ability, to better organize my priorities.  My hope is that 2013 will be about my relationships, my marriage, my family, my faith and other important parts of my life, instead of the papers I have to grade, the bills I have to pay, and all of the ways the government refuses to acknowledge the work I do.

I have to make room in my life for what really matters.

Resolution #4:  Be healthy

Shocker, I know.  I would bet this is the most common resolution of all.  However, being healthy, in my opinion, goes beyond the gym and the food on my plate.  Yes, I will make a better attempt to include physical exercise in my schedule.  Yes, I will find healthier recipes.

However, I think that a large part of living a healthy life also includes doing things that make you happy.

After a long day of dealing with teenagers, the natural inclination when I get home is to make myself comfortable on the couch.  Not necessarily a bad thing, but it is so much harder to get off the couch once you've made yourself at home.  I want this year to include fulfilling activities, things like volunteering and becoming more connected to our community.  I want the year to include more memories and new experiences.

Health is an important part of happiness.  I want to be abundantly happy this year, so this resolution will be key.

Resolution #5:  Organize

On the surface I may appear organized, however, I am most definitely not.

My classroom, my home, and my life all need a little organization (and by a little, I mean A LOT)!

I think the key to organizing this year will be to take on a little bit at a time.  I tend to want to do everything at once and then just be done with it.  However, I think I've come to realize this makes each task that much more difficult and then the overall process is much more daunting and overwhelming than it really should be.

I know that this is the source of a great deal of my stress, so by eliminating this little bit of chaos, my other resolutions will be easier and my life will be much more tidy.

Yes, I do acknowledge that these are lofty goals, but I don't think they are impossible.  It will take a great effort on my part, that at this moment is welcome, but I know, down the road, may be easy to forget.  However, in line with my new optimism, I know I can do it.

2013 is going to be a GREAT year!  Happy New Year everyone!  May it be blessed!